Creagh College is a Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board School
Waterford & Wexford ETB

Inspection Reports

Since its beginnings in September 2011, Creagh College has had 8 Department Inspections.

In December 2014, we welcomed a team of inspectors from the Department of Education, who carried out a Whole School Evaluation (Management, Leadership & Learning). During their three-day visit they examined many aspects of our school, including meetings with various co-ordinators and others involved in the running of the school, a tour of the school building, meetings with students and visits to classes to observe teaching and learning at Creagh College. Parents and students completed questionnaires in relation to their experiences of Creagh College, and the Board of Management also met with the inspectors.

We welcome the inspectors’ very positive feedback after all inspections, particularly in relation to our comprehensive curriculum, care of students and the quality of teaching and learning in the school.

We look forward to working together with our staff, parents, students and the Board of Management to maintain and build on their positive findings, and to work on implementing the inspectors’ recommendations for the further improvement of our school.

Here are some of the comments of the inspectors:

‘The level of commitment by teaching staff in undertaking responsibilities in relation to the management of the students in particular is acknowledged and commended.”

‘There was a very good atmosphere for learning in all lessons’

“ICT was expertly used’

‘Good leadership opportunities are afforded to students through the range of initiatives offered in the school’

‘The School offers a wide range of extra-curricular and co-curricular activities with levels of participation and some notable successes’

‘Excellent ICT facilities’

‘Subject department planning is very progressive’

‘Lessons are conducted in a positive atmosphere’

‘The extra support for those who received their primary education through the medium of Irish is commendable’.

Jan 24
Staff Training; School closed for OIDE New Senior Cycle training
Feb 06
JC Mock and LC Mock Exams (probable dates)
Feb 10
TY Work Experience
Feb 13
2nd years & TY Classes
Creagh College,
Co. Wexford,
Y25 V6Y9.

Waterford & Wexford Educational Training Board
© 2025 Creagh College